A downloadable Aseprite script

Color2GMS is a Lua script for Aseprite that allows you to convert your Aseprite project's colors to Game Maker Studio-compatible hexadecimal values in $bbggrr format, either from your currently selected Foreground and Background colors, or by exporting your sprite's entire palette as a .txt file.

What It Does:

  • Color2GMS will show your currently selected foreground and background colors in $bbggrr format.
  • Color2GMS will export your current sprite's entire palette as a .txt file listing all colors in $bbggrr format.
  • Reasonably, Color2GMS won't work if you are not working on a Sprite.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Authorkid marscat
TagsAseprite, extension, GameMaker, lua, lua-script, mod, script, tool


color2gms_0_1.zip 2.6 kB

Install instructions


  • In Aseprite, go to File > Scripts > Open Scripts Folder. This should open an Explorer window on <Aseprite program folder>/scripts.
  • Copy the file Color2GMS.lua to this folder, close Explorer and restart Aseprite.
  • The next time you open Aseprite, the Script will be available for you to use in the Scripts menu.


  • While editing a Sprite, go to File > Scripts > Color2GMS, and this will reveal a new pop-up dialog.
  • The pop-up dialog explains what the different options allow you to do to obtain the $bbggrr hexadecimal values.

Foreground/Background color

  • Two text entry fields, filled with the $bbggrr hexadecimal values of your currently selected foreground and background colors, are available from the start.
  • Pressing the Refresh colors button will update these values, in case you have changed them by either editing the current colors or selecting different palette colors.

Export current palette

  • You can also export the current sprite's palette values to a text file in the same $bbggrr hexadecimal format.
  • By clicking on the button labeled ... you can choose in which file to export these hexadecimal values.
  • Pressing the Export button will prompt Aseprite to ask you to give the Color2GMS script access to the file for saving.
  • Selecting Allow Write Access will allow the script to save the hexadecimal values to the file, which you can open in any text editor.
  • Your sprite palette's hexadecimal values are sorted in the file by palette index number, reading from your palette from left to right, from top to bottom.
  • Be warned that the script will overwrite the file without asking, so make sure to backup previous files or the data in them!
  • When you're done obtaining the values you needed, you can close the dialog by pressing the button labeled Close.

In case of a bug or any other kind of unintentional behavior, feel free to contact me at kidmarscat [at] gmail.com or leave a comment below.


2020–05–19 – 0.1 – First Release


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