What is a Chup de Salaryman

I was playing some random Atari 2600 games the other day and then decided I would like to see how easy it would be to make something like the stuff Activision was doing back in that era of gaming. And so this stupid thing was created.

I made this game entirely in 24 hours, although not continuously. Took me one half of a day to implement everything, and another half to clean things up and add a couple quality-of-life improvements on top, so that I never have to revisit this again lol.

I've had this silly character of a salaryman stuck in my brain for a long time, and I've used it on many prototypes, but this is the first one I've been able to nail one of these projects down quick. More salaryman games might come in the future, but until then, this is this dumb character's first wild adventure! Very cool C:

This was made with Game Maker Studio, coded all by myself, although using a lot of spare scripts I had made for other prototypes here and there.

This is my second implementation of a fully functional menu, and I think it's the quickest and simplest of the two. Good to finally learn some UI skillz after just making gameplay prototypes for years :P

The audio for the game is created on the fly using audio buffers, because I wanted to see how difficult that might be. tbh all you need to know about it is on the GMS manual so even a goofball could figure it out. It beats creating assets, and keeps the file size low (in theory this whole thing could fit on an actual floppy disk!)

The texture page is also 256 by 256, and it's not even used fully. Very small for an HTML5 game, but compared to the games for early consoles and home computers, this is way too damn big for something so silly. I tried my best ;‿;

So ultimately, what is this anyway? A dumb game you might waste some time on, and just a fun project to take on while my other game, RetroShooti, is being prepared for release on Steam Early Access. I hope you have fun for whichever amount of seconds you play of it. If not, well, go play some actual game lol :P ok bye ミ☆


stampsal_0_3.exe 2 MB
Jan 30, 2021

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